Cultural Resources Analysis

Several federal laws are designed to conserve the nation’s cultural resources  and are frequently integrated into the federal planning process under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) requires federal agencies to consider the effects of their actions on historic properties and to provide state historic preservation officers (SHPO) and tribal historic preservation officers (THPO) an opportunity to review and comment on the effects of the agency’s actions. Historic properties are any prehistoric or historic districts, sites, buildings, structures, objects, artifacts, records, and remains that are eligible for or already listed in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), and any properties of traditional religious and cultural importance to tribes. Archaeological or historical structures survey may need to be completed to gather the information necessary to inform the consultation. If a historic property is found that has not already been determined eligible for the National Register of Historic Places, a federal agency may seek a determination of eligibility (DOE) from the Keeper of the National Register. Additional laws that guide protection of cultural resources include the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), Archaeological Resources Protection Act, American Indian Religious Freedom Act, as well as state and local laws.

AARCHER performs archaeological and architectural history services for clients throughout the United States. Our compliance-based consulting approach ensures that all Aarcher cultural resources services remain centered on the goal of achieving regulatory compliance and compiling the information necessary for sound planning decisions.

AARCHER’s nationwide Cultural Resources services include the following:

  • Archaeological surveys (Mid-Atlantic and South Central Region)
  • Historical architectural surveys, including HABS/HAER (Nationwide)
  • Section 106 consultation support (Nationwide)
  • Tribal consultations (Nationwide)
  • Cultural Resource Management Plans
  • Architectural Historians and Archaeologists with more than 20 years cultural resource assessment, compliance, and planning experience
  • Working knowledge of state historic preservation office (SHPO) procedures and policies in approximately 20 states

Environmental and Cultural Resources BPA
US Bureau of Reclamation; Upper Colorado Region; AZ, CO, ID, NM, NV, UT, TX, WY

Class III Intensive Cultural Surveys for Prickly Pear Removal Project
Bureau of Land Management; San Luis Valley Field Office, Colorado

Phase I Archaeological Survey
Natural Resources Conservation Service; Juniata County, Pennsylvania

Tribal Monitoring for Shorebird Habitat Restoration BPA
National Park Service; Gulf Islands National Seashore; Florida and Mississippi

Phase I Archaeological Survey
Natural Resources Conservation Service; Cumberland County, Pennsylvania

Historic Resource Evaluations, Preparation of NRHP Nomination Forms
US Geological Survey; Michigan, Virginia, California and Washington

Environmental Assessment (EA), HAL Survey, and NRHP Eligibility Determination for the Rehabilitation of Bonnie Clare Road
National Park Service, Death Valley National Park, California and Nevada

Administrative History of Tumacácori National Historical Park
National Park Service, Tumacácori National Historical Park, Arizona

Panther Junction Mission 66 NRHP Nomination Form
National Park Service, Big Bend National Park, Texas

Historical/Archival Context Study for Selected Buildings
US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service
Prescott National Forest, Arizona

Case Study: Through the Eyes of Serviceman – Assessing Cultural Resources on U.S. Military Installations through the Application of Criterion B
Army National Guard Legacy Program

Historical and Architectural Overview of Aircraft Hangars of the Reserves and National Guard Installations from World War I through the Cold War
Army National Guard Legacy Program

Historic Context and Evaluation of the Ranger Boat Program
US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service; Alaska

Comprehensive Historic Property Database Review and Update
Maryland National Capitol Park and Planning Commission (MNCPPC); Prince Georges County, Maryland

National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) Compliance and Section 106 Consultation for Proposed Wireless Telecommunications Facilities Nationwide
State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) coordination and consultation for more than 3,000 proposed tower and antenna installations
A&T Systems, ACME Tower Group, America Tower Corporation, AT&T Mobility, Bechtel, CellularOne, Cingular Wireless, Highpoint Communications, LCG Wireless, Light Tower Wireless, MESA Communications Group, Midwest Tower Leasing, Mobilitie, Mountain Union Telecom, NSORO, SBC Communications, Skylink, Sprint PCS, Texhoma Towers, Velocitel, Verizon Wireless, WHAW Radio

Area-Wide Surveys of IHS Properties; Determination of Eligibility
US Public Health Service; Phoenix Area Indian Health Service (IHS)
Division of Facilities Management; Phoenix, Arizona

Historic Preservation and Mitigation
Wicomico County Board of Education; Salisbury, Maryland