Natural Resources Analysis

Several federal laws are designed to conserve the nation’s natural resources  and are frequently integrated into the federal planning process under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Section 404 of the Clean Water Act regulates the placement of “dredged or filled material” into “Waters of the US.” These waters generally include rivers, streams, lakes, and oceans, as well as wetlands that are hydrologically connected to navigable waters. A permitting system is administered by the US Army Corps of Engineers. This permit is a federal action and may trigger the need to comply with NEPA, as well as the Endangered Species Act, and National Historic Preservation Act. The Endangered Species Act’s purpose is to prevent species from extinction and recover populations. The Act spells out the process for the government to list species as threatened or endangered, prohibited acts, recovery planning, and consultation procedures. Section 7 of the Act directs federal agencies to conserve listed species and to consult with the US Fish and Wildlife Service on actions that may affect listed species. The Migratory Bird Treaty Act prohibits the killing or destruction of active nests of most birds, with a few exceptions, and the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act prohibits killing or disturbing nesting eagles.

AARCHER provides nationwide natural resources assessment, monitoring, management, and planning services for Federal agencies, stakeholders, and project proponents.

Our team of environmental scientists and natural resource permitting specialists perform site assessments, coordinate permit application procedures, ensure compliance, and consult with Federal, state, and local resource agencies. Our compliance-based consulting approach ensures that all Aarcher natural resources services are guided both by compliance requirements and practical land management practices.

AARCHER’s nationwide Natural Resources services include the following:

  • Biological surveys/endangered species surveys
  • Chesapeake Bay critical area studies
  • Forest Stand Delineations and Conservation Plans
  • Natural Resources Management Plans
  • Section 404 permitting support
  • Section 7 Consultation
  • Wetland delineations and jurisdictional determination support
  • Managers with more than 20 years natural resources compliance and permitting experience
  • Practical experience with state natural resource regulations
  • Project staff pool including more than 175 scientists and technical experts

Environmental and Cultural Resources BPA
US Bureau of Reclamation; Upper Colorado Region; AZ, CO, ID, NM, NV, UT, TX, WY

Environmental  Assessment for Shorebird Management Plan
National Park Service; Cape Cod National Seashore, Massachusetts

Wetland Delineation and Tree Survey for Master Plan Amendment for Headquarters Consolidation at the St. Elizabeth Complex
Department of Homeland Security (DHS); Washington, DC

Wetland Delineation for 210-Acre Training Range
US Army; Fort Lee, Virginia

Gopher Tortoise and Indigo Snake Survey at FCI Jesup
Bureau of Prisons; Jesup, Georgia

Biological Survey for FCI Englewood
Bureau of Prisons; Littleton, Colorado

Wetland Delineations, Assessments, and Mitigation for Proposed Marley Neck Force Main
Harundale, Maryland

Chesapeake Bay Critical Area Report for Proposed Marley Neck Force Main
Harundale, Maryland